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Storm and Hunter’s Litter – 4 weeks old, today we ate some food that didn’t come from mom, and we loved it!!
Storm and Hunter’s Litter – 4 weeks old, today we ate some food that didn’t come from mom, and we loved it!!

Camo Collar- Blue male-SOLD-Krol                                                  

Blue Collar-Blue male- SOLD-Norris                      

Black Collar-Blue Male-SOLD-Longoria                 

Red Collar-Blue Male-SOLD-Fletcher                  

Green Collar-Blue Male-SOLD-Perez                       

Purple Collar-Blue Female- SOLD-Canrardy

Yellow Collar-Blue Female-SOLD-Walsh       

Pink Collar-Blue Female-SOLD-Desnoyers             

Teal Collar-Blue Female-SOLD-Kacza